Tuesday, April 21, 2009

bleh XP hehe

Lets see where to begin? At the begining of course! lol i heard that somewhere i can't remember. too bad. Okay so this weekend wasn't boring which was nice for once. Mom took lindsey and aubrey her friend to the park. So i went and i brought James with me. We didn't really do anything so no biggie there. We went home after like an hour lol. I wanted James to stay though so he came over to my house. I wanted to just stay outside but no. lol. So we watched a movie with my mom. It was funny. Too bad he didn't get to watch the whole thing. Anyways later that night some things were said so i asked him out. He said yes so here we are been going out for three days. Pretty amazing right? All the friends i told flipped out. In a good way though. Except Bethany. And when i told my brother he didn't say anything. Which really creeped me out and was really bothering me. I kept asking him to say something all ready but he just shook his head and when he did speak again it was something completely different. Its definitley different. I mean its hard to think of him that way. I mean when i see him and he hold my hand i'm like oh yea.... My whole 7th period knows thanks to Tara and Scott. Tara decided to tell my english teacher about us so she tells it to her really quietly and she goes who is going out with who? So she says it a little bit louder and i guess scott was listening in. my teacher looks at me and goes really? all excitedly like everyone else. Then scott goes YOUR GOING OUT WITH JAMES!? I just put my head on my desk and was just so embarassed. Then everyone was like what? who? so i could hear someone start telling that person what happened. I just didn't even want to look up from my desk. All right so hmmm the band fest is on Thursday. It's really the only performance we do that i really love to do. but this year its bad because we are so...well we aren't terible.... but were just not ready yet. Like if we had another week and EVERYBODY went home and practiced every night we then would be ready. But in 2 days. No. Especially the girl next to me. All she does is text behind the stand and it bugs me because it gets in the way of reading my music and she moves it over to far. Grr i just want to scream STOP TEXTING ALL YOUR BOYFRIENDS YOU WHORE! But thats what we call being over dramatic. So i can't do that unfortunatly. Shelby has really become a pretty good friend with me. Our dance is coming up and Lena has made up all of it so far. But she says guys you need to make up moves i can't do it all myself but she keeps making little changes everywhere and i can't do some of these moves okay? Pretty....whats the word? Umm they're not G rated really lol so yea if you can picture that....probably be best if you didn't.... lol. Okay i'll go this post is really long....sorry for all the spelling mistakes and what not.


Unknown said...

you and James, huh?

exactly, that's a good way to look at it...

and no...I'm not mad at you..I guess I did word it a little wrong. i guess its like that because I didn't start it off with a 'haha'

oh, and one last thing...I think Clarice, the silent dictator said that beginning once

Olivia Fuller said...

Hah, it's not rude at all :). I live on a dairy farm, so we just have cows, two donkeys, and we grow corn. It's pretty chill :P.

Congratulations on the boyfriend! You and James, that's awesome! I hope everything goes well with it :). Agh, that sucks your band isn't ready yet, especially with people like that girl texting through practice. That can't help at all. I hope the dance goes good too, I'm sure it will.

Unknown said...

that's good, it's all good, haha

a wild thing said...

You and James. I still cannot get it out of my head.

Zaniac said...

Allison, I prefer if you follow my blog, The Secret Wanderer.

Thanks, Zaniac.